
Fact or Opinion? Quiz

Fact or Opinion?

When a sentence is a fact, click the circle next to fact. When a sentence is an opinion, click the circle next to opinion.
1. Mr. Jones has two sons and one daughter.
2. That picture is by Rembrandt.
3. Her house is really beautiful.
4. My friend has six fingers on one hand.
5. That boy is the nicest person in the school.
6. The group will stop in Denver overnight.
7. L. Frank Baum wrote "The Wizard of Oz".
8. I will finish before the rest of the class.
9. The Bulls are better than the Knicks.
10. Nine plus one equals ten.


1. Fact
2. Fact
3. Opinion
4. Fact
5. Opinion
6. Fact
7. Fact
8. Opinion
9. Opinion
10. Fact


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